Baltimore Sun

“One Fine Day”: What Iran’s “Death to America” Marches Signal

Al-Quds (Jerusalem) Day in Iran continues to be celebrated annually with marches and cries of “Death to America!” and “Death to Israel!” This year's event took place during the conclusion of U.S.-led talks with Iran over its nuclear program. Not all major media noticed.

Baltimore Sun Op-Ed on Israel, Iran Draws CAMERA Correction

An Op-Ed by a former Baltimore Sun foreign correspondent on the invitation to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to speak to the U.S. Congress about Iran's nuclear program suffered from Israel derangement syndrome. A CAMERA letter to the editor provided an antidote.

CAMERA Highlights ‘False Equivalence’ in Baltimore Sun

 The Baltimore Sun’s editorial “A dangerous turning point in Israel” (July 8) early in “Operation Protective Edge,” erroneously posited mirror-image “growing vigilantism in Israel and the occupied territories.” A CAMERA letter, “False equivalence” (July 12) corrected those distortions.

Hassan Rouhani – The Extremists’ ‘Moderate’

Early news reporting about Iranian president-elect Hassan Rouhani tossed around "moderate," "pragmatist" and "centrist." It was left too often to opinion writers and think tank analysts to supply journalistic details.

CAMERA Letter Critiques Baltimore Sun Op-Ed on Divestment

 A Baltimore Sun commentary properly criticized support among some in the Presbyterian Church USA for divestment from companies doing business in Israel. But a CAMERA letter spotlighted the writer's mistaken equivalence of Palestinian and Israeli grievances.