Chicago Tribune

Caricature or Bigotry?

The Chicago Tribune and other newspapers conceded a Dick Locher cartoon came close to anti-Semitism.

Newspaper Headlines Omit Terror Perpetrators

Newspaper headlines about the Hamas terrorist bombing in Jerusalem — for which the death tally has now reached 17 — and Israel's strike against Hamas in Gaza that killed four members of that organization and five bystanders have very often failed to represent events clearly.

STUDY: Chicago Tribune Headline Bias

Headlines are meant to capture the reader’s attention and often determine whether people choose to read an article at all. In many instances, they are the only information readers derive about a story. The Chicago Tribune, one of America’s most prominent newspapers, has a significant headline problem. In looking at seven months of coverage of the Arab-Israeli conflict, CAMERA found notable differences in the nearly 200 headlines for stories reporting Israeli versus Palestinian actions.

Chicago Tribune Alert: Survey Results Misrepresented

The December 25, 2002 Chicago Tribune editorial "Can there be "˜peace on Earth?' " misrepresents the findings of a survey conducted by a group called "Search for Common Ground." The editorial claims the survey "reports that 7 in 10 Israelis would allow a Palestinian state based roughly on the 1967 borders — in exchange for an end to violence. But many don't trust the Palestinians to stop attacking Israelis. On the Palestinian side, about the same number show a readiness to stop the violence for such a state, but many do not believe Israel would agree."

CAMERA Op-Ed: Geyer Misfires

Syndicated columnist Georgie Anne Geyer is a sorry reminder that when shoddy journalists are given a pass by lax editors, they go on and on producing error-filled commentary. Geyer writes often, even obsessively, about Israel and its supporters, and her columns are frequently marred by factual gaffes, distortion and at times reckless reliance on bogus sources.

Chicago Tribune Prints Correction

In response to concerns raised by CAMERA the Chicago Tribune has printed a partial correction of a misleading Nov. 17 article. CAMERA criticized the story by Uli Schmetzer entitled “War of Attrition Claims Beloved Medic,” for misrepresenting a quotation from an Israeli soldier and misreporting the chronology of fighting in the Gilo-Beit Jala region as well as the threat that Jewish residents of Gilo face.