
Haaretz Corrects Erroneous Reference to Jewish Prayer on Temple Mount

CAMERA prompts correction after Haaretz's English edition wrongly referred to Jews praying on the Temple Mount. As the Hebrew article correctly reported, the Muslim group interfered with Jews visiting the site. Jewish prayer at Judaism's holiest site is prohibited.

Who Lit the Match That Started the Fire?

Haaretz has falsely charged that the Israeli-Palestinian violence started due to "a disrespectful attack at the Al-Aqsa Mosque." Ignoring the evidence, many other media outlets around the world have echoed this. In fact, the chain of events indicates not only that the violence was a pre-planned Hamas initiative, but also that it was instigated despite a series of steps that the Israeli government took to calm things down, steps that had a heavy political and public cost in Israel.

Haaretz Op-Ed Misleads to Defend SNL “Joke”

Satire is meant to be funny and even play on stereotypes. But there's a vast difference between that and invoking antisemitic tropes to accuse the Jewish state of murder. A recent op-ed in Ha'aretz defended SNL's Michael Che of the latter and, in doing so, smeared Israel further.