
Disinformation Abounds in Vox Annexation Explainer With Brent Sasley

In a Vox explainer which begs explaining, Brent Sasley twists himself into a pickle over "creeping annexation" versus "substantive change." Interviewer Jen Kirby stumbles on the "return" of West Bank land to Palestinians and the duo erase Palestinian Authority control in the West Bank Areas A and B.

Vox: Explaining the News, Improvising on the Facts

Too often, Vox reporters give the impression they're improvising their way through the news, delivering "facts" that might feel right to the reporter, but aren't actually true. Most recently: Vox claims Palestinian rockets in the days before the 2014 Gaza war were a "response" to Israeli airstrikes.

Has Coverage of Israel’s Nation-State Law Been Sober and Factual?

One can debate the merits and demerits of a law while presenting the facts accurately. Indeed, that is the role of a journalist. Both news stories and opinion columns should be based on accurate facts without overstatement or distortion. Unfortunately, many in the mainstream media have failed in these respects.  

Vox Docs Reinvents History, Legitimizes Bigotry

A new series of short videos from Vox purports to explain the issue of West Bank settlements. Instead, it distorts the history of the region, and endorses a discriminatory ideology.