Voice of America
Media Corrections

Accuracy and accountability are among the most important tenets of journalism. In combination, they mean media organizations are expected to publish or broadcast forthright corrections after sharing inaccurate information. The following corrections are among the many prompted by CAMERA’s communication with reporters and editors.


Wave of Media Errors, Corrections Follows Malawi Announcement on Jerusalem Embassy

News coverage of Malawi's announcement about opening an embassy in Jerusalem included a flurry of inaccurate articles, most misreporting that the nation would be the first African nation to open an embassy in the capital. While Malawi be the only African nation with an embassy in Jerusalem, several others existed in the past, and were closed after the 1973 Yom Kippur War.

VOA Corrects: Israel Not Advancing 5000 Settlements

CAMERA prompts a swift correction at Voice of America after an editing error resulted in the mistaken claim that Israel announced plans to advance 5000 settlements. In fact, the announcement concerned 5000 housing units within several existing settlements.

VOA Deletes Video Which Grossly Inflated Number of Struggling Refugees in Gaza

In response to communication from CAMERA, Voice of America deletes a video which grossly overstated the number of refugees in the Gaza Strip suffering from poverty and unemployment. The June 12 VOA Extremism Watch video cited five million refugees facing these difficulties, more than double the territory's entire population.

CAMERA Prompts VOA Correction on ‘Palestinian Lands’

CAMERA today prompts correction of a Voice of America article which had erroneously misidentified disputed areas of the West Bank as "Palestinian land." The correction follows additional corrections on the same issue that CAMERA elicited recently at The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times.

CAMERA Prompts VOA Correction on ‘Palestine’ Terminology

CAMERA prompts correction of a Voice of America headline which referred to the present day West Bank as "Palestine." But the accompanying video, essentially a promotion for the "Walled Off" hotel in Bethlehem, still gives no indication whatsoever as to why Israel constructed the security barrier.

VOA Corrects: BDS Support Not Illegal in Israel

Following the CAMERA-prompted correction of a Reuters article which erroneously reported that Israel has criminalized support for BDS, CAMERA has elicited correction of the same point at Voice of America which had falsely reported that the BDS movement is illegal in Israel.