Yasir Arafat

The Washington Post’s World View Infantilizes Palestinians, Again

The Washington Post's world view on Israel is profoundly distorted. The newspaper's vaunted foreign affairs columnist is once again depriving Palestinians of independent agency, omitting their leadership's predilection for supporting terror and rejecting peace.

CAMERA Op-Ed: The Washington Post Gets Lost on Its Israel Road Trip

The Washington Post takes a road trip to try and figure out why there isn't a Palestinian state. Yet, as CAMERA tells JNS, in more than 4,000 words and 40 photographs, three Post reporters were unable to note the obvious reason: Palestinian rejectionism.

CAMERA Op-Ed: The Palestinian Authority is on the Precipice

The future of the Palestinian Authority is bleak. The PA is led by an unpopular octogenarian, Mahmoud Abbas, who is currently in the sixteenth year of a four year term. Yet, violence has engulfed areas under the PA's control and ominously residents of Hebron have called for the King of Jordan, not Abbas, to end it.

CAMERA Op-Ed: Israel Cracks Down on Tax-Deductible Terrorism

The Israeli government's recent decision to designate six NGOs for their terrorist ties has sparked condemnations from press and policymakers. But as CAMERA tells the Washington Examiner, the evidence of these links has long been in the public domain.

CAMERA Op-Ed: How the Founder of Hezbollah Built the Modern Middle East

Obituaries in Western news outlets noted that Ali Akbar Mohtashamipur was a founder of Hezbollah, the Iranian-backed, U.S.-designated terrorist group that rules Lebanon. But, as CAMERA wrote in The National Interest, Mohtashamipur was more than a founding father of one of the world’s largest terrorist organizations. He was, in fact, one of a handful of men who built the modern Middle East.