Water Issues

UPDATED: ‘Last Refuge,’ Latest Falsehood

Gideon Levy's weekly column in Ha'aretz Magazine is aptly titled "Twilight Zone." At times, his reports have little or no connection to reality. This week's column ("Last refuge"), about Banana Land, "the first Palestinian water park," serves as a prime example.

BBC: Obstacle to Understanding on Water

BBC's Martin Asser observes that "Middle Eastern rhetoric" often casts "Israel as a malevolent sponge sucking up Arab water resources." His article is a prime example of that distorted picture.

A BBC Fable

Early media coverage of Hizbullah's aggression against Israel presented a generally sound picture of cause and effect, of the terrorist group's agenda and of Israel's right to remove the menace to its people. The BBC, however, is a frequent exception.

License to Err on SF Chronicle Opinion Pages

The San Francisco Chronicle claims to "strive for accuracy" and promises to "quickly correct errors or misleading statements." Yet its opinion pages serve as a haven for patently inaccurate anti-Israel allegations, and no corrections appear to be forthcoming.

Madison Newspaper Features Propaganda by Anti-Israel Activist

The Capital Times, a daily newspaper published in Madison, Wisconsin, published an Op-Ed on March 17 by local anti-Israel activist Jennifer Loewenstein. The column, for the most part, ranted incoherently against Israel and was riddled with factual errors.

AFP Promotes Propaganda on Gaza Water Issues

An Agence France Press article by Safaa Kanj about water shortages and contamination in Gaza suffered from one-sidedness, distortions and factual inaccuracies. The writer consulted only Palestinian sources, put the onus entirely on Israel (mostly incorrectly) for water scarcity problems,  and ignored any information which implicated the Palestinians or which portrayed Israel in a positive light.

The Worst of Times

Op-Ed editors allow PLO advisor Michael Tarazi to demonize Israel with false charges about "colonies," water, citizenship.