Myron Kaplan

Personifying C-SPAN’s Tolerance of Anti-Israel, Anti-Jewish Callers

Steve Scully, the network’s political editor and senior executive producer, exemplifies Washington Journal's chronic problem of program hosts tolerating callers’ anti-Jewish racism and anti-Israel defamation including blaming Jews for problems throughout the world.

Biblically Based Classic Opera Twisted to Vilify Jewish Nation

Rossini’s opera Moses in Egypt, based on the biblical narrative, is the most recent of several opera productions in Europe confiscated to vilify Jews and the Jewish state. Moses appears as a bin Laden-look-alike terrorist leader toting an assault rifle.

Al-Jazeera English Airs ‘Nakba’ Myth

In May-June 2013, the Qatar-based Arabic satellite television channel aired its 'Nakba' (catastrophe) film depicting a one-sided version of Israel's struggle for independence.

Foreign Policy Editor Tolerates Anti-Jewish Slanders

Foreign Policy is an influential publication and Web site. FP’s editor-in-chief Susan Glasser, appearing as a guest (Oct. 9, 2012) on C-SPAN’s Washington Journal, tolerated callers’ anti-Jewish slanders.

C-SPAN’s Book TV Show Spins Anti-Israel Line

C-SPAN has a Jewish problem in its daily Washington Journal program and in its Book TV weekly program whose July 1, 2012 “interview” by Phyllis Bennis of Fawaz Gerges defamed Israel with falsehoods, distortions and key omissions.