Nicholas Kristof

Kristof’s One-Sided Look at “Two Sides of a Fence”

In his July 1, 2010 column, "The Two Sides of a Barbed-Wire Fence," New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof blames Israel for Palestinian cave dwelling that began in 1830, conceals Israeli attempts to integrate Bedouin into towns with running water, and generally misleads readers about the conflict.

“Tough Love” for Nicholas Kristof

KristofNicholas Kristof's "Tough Love for Israel" (New York Times, July 24) demonstrates his vast ignorance regarding Israel and its neighbors, along with his proclivity to choose to "forget" messy facts which get in the way of his simplistic view of Israel as the major obstacle to peace.

Kristof’s Blame-Israel Rant

Nicholas Kristof argues that U.S. politicians "have learned to muzzle themselves" on Israel and such "silence harms America." But he himself keeps mum on key information that contradicts his argument.