CAMERA staff prompt correction of a New York Times news article Friday which erroneously referred to Israel’s “1967 borders with Palestine” (“Obama Not Planning to Meet With Israeli Premier“). As noted in CAMERA’s Snapshots blog that day:
In 1967, of course, there was no country, territory, or entity called Palestine.And the boundary between Israel and the territory in question, what had been the Jordanian-occupied West Bank, was explicitly not regarded as a border. As the 1949 armistice agreement between Israel and Jordan made clear, “The Armistice Demarcation Lines defined in articles V and VI of this Agreement are agreed upon by the Parties without prejudice to future territorial settlements or boundary lines or to claims of either Party relating thereto.”
On Friday, CAMERA emailed The Times about the issue. After thanking a CAMERA researcher for making them aware of the error, the newspaper commendably published the following correction:
An article on Friday about a planned visit to the United States by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel referred incorrectly to President Obama’s suggestion, in a 2011 conversation with Mr. Netanyahu, for a baseline for negotiating the borders between Israel and a future Palestinian state. He suggested using the pre-1967 lines that separated Israel from the Jordanian-controlled West Bank, not Israel’s “1967 borders with Palestine.” (There was no state called Palestine in 1967.)
The online version of the article was amended, but it is still not accurate. In place of the original reference to “Israel’s 1967 borders with Palestine,” the article now refers to “Israel’s pre-1967 borders.” But, the again, the “Green Line,” or the pre-1967 lines were armistice lines, not borders.
That was not the only Times correction yesterday about Israel. Additional corrections from Monday are:
Because of an editing error, the Saturday Profile article, about Nitsana Darshan-Leitner, an Israeli lawyer who sues groups that finance terrorism operations, misidentified the location of Road 443, whose roadblocks she sued to retain, preventing Palestinians from driving there, years after a series of deadly shootings. The road is in the West Bank, not in Israel.The United Nations Memo articleon Friday, about the circumstances behind the timing of the General Assembly’s vote to hold its first meeting devoted to the rise of anti-Semitism worldwide, misstated the response by Ron Prosor, Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations, to a speech by Samantha Power, his American counterpart, who said the meeting was an important step for the General Assembly. Mr. Prosor did in fact applaud her speech; it is not the case that he failed to applaud.
Meanwhile, Times editors have yet to act on CAMERA’s urging to correct the Jan. 26 Op-Ed by Ellie Geranmayeh, a policy fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations, who repeatedly, and incorrectly, identified Tel Aviv as Israel’s capital (“Political Sabotage Over a Deal with Iran“). Editors of The International New York Times also chose to emphasize the enlarge the erroneous reference to Tel Aviv in a pull quote, stating: “Hard-liners from Tehran to Tel Aviv to Washington are seeking to oppose any diplomacy between Iran and the West.”
For additional New York Times corrections elicited by CAMERA, please see here.