RAMADAN JIHAD 2022: Overview of Media Failures

Last year, Ramadan anti-Israel incitement and violence — in the guise of a Jihad for Jerusalem — saw many in the mainstream media ignore the historic patterns of provocation by the Palestinian leadership and instead echo their pretexts blaming Israel. Media reporting this year follows the same pattern.

Jihad for Jerusalem 2021: How the Media Facilitated the Delegitimization of Israel

The Ramadan jihad of 2021 was a violent campaign that was planned well before Ramadan and evolved into a full Hamas war with Israel that extended beyond the period of Ramadan. That war, in turn, became a tool to demonize Israel in the latest round of a hostile propaganda campaign whose goal is the delegitimization and eradication of the Jewish State.

ABC Errs: 150 Rocket Attacks A First In Last 7 Years

In a basic factual error, ABC's David Muir last night referred to "Hamas firing more than 150 rockets into Israel for the first time in seven years." In fact, Gaza terrorists have fired over 150 rockets at Israel at least half a dozen times in the last seven years.

AP Corrects: US Embassy Not in Tel Aviv After All

The Associated Press, which boasts "world-class journalism" and "global expertise," has been embroiled in a number of recent gaffes in its coverage of Israel and the Palestinians. The latest is a series of captions yesterday which misplaced the U.S. Embassy, moved to Jerusalem in 2018 amid great fanfare and controversy, back in Tel Aviv.

Washington Post’s Remake of Terrorist Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Not Unique

While The Washington Post headline whitewashing Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi as an "austere religious scholar" was particularly egregious given that ISIS is the world's most dangerous terror group, it is not unique. Other terrorists who received favorable media coverage include Brussels terrorist Mehdi Nammouche (pictured), convicted bomber Rasmeah Odeh, hijacker Leila Khaled and more.

Wolf Caught In Palestinian Trap

CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, along with his mainstream media colleagues, was caught in a Palestinian propaganda trap,

After Israeli Video Mocks Journalists, Reporters Prove its Premise

Journalists should understand that the production of a satire video by the Israeli government in no way vindicates their own reporting. They shouldn’t insult readers’ intelligence by suggesting otherwise. And they should take a deep breath before reacting, because they might just prove the very point the video tried to make.