CAMERA Prompts ABC Correction on Gaza Settlements

Following communication from CAMERA, ABC News corrected an online column which had wrongly stated Gaza settlements were causing friction between Obama and Netanyahu. Israel completely dismantled Gaza settlements years before Obama took office.

After Detroit Terror Attack Fails, Diane Sawyer Profiles Israel

Diane SawyerFollowing the failed terror attack on Northwest Airlines, ABC's Diane Sawyer and Pierre Thomas falsely charged that Israeli security, while effective, profiles Muslims. In fact, Israel profiles for terrorism, not for race, religion or ethnicity.

Jimmy Carter Can’t Make Up His Mind

One day Carter bashes Israel because he believes the Jewish state did not live up to its Camp David obligations. The next day—literally—he says "not a word" of the treaty has been violated.

ABC Withholds Information on Transmission Towers

No doubt the control of information–a critical tool in psychological warfare–is part of any combatant's war arsenal. But when a July 22 ABC "World News Saturday" report on the Israeli bombing of television transmitters accuses Israel of controlling information "to sway public opinion," it is ABC which is controlling – and withholding – information.

CAMERA Action Prompts Improvement at features a permanent interactive item which provides background information on Hamas. The article had originally whitewashed the group's goals and sources of funding from abroad. Editors are to be commended for making the following changes after having heard from CAMERA staff.

The ABC’s of One-Sided Journalism

ABC News has once again issued a one-sided report on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, highlighting and sympathetically portraying Palestinian losses due to Israeli military actions, while downplaying the initial Palestinian attacks, and their impact on Israelis, that prompted the Israeli action.

WABC-TV Refuses to Correct Jim Dolan’s Factual Errors

Since late April, CAMERA has been working hard behind the scenes to seek redress on factual errors and other distortions by Jim Dolan of New York's WABC, who reported from Israel for several days earlier that month. News Director Ken Plotnik and President and General Manager Dave Davis have stonewalled, refusing to correct several material errors and to respond to the specifics of CAMERA's concerns.