The ecumenical threat to life and limb posed by large crowds unprotected by adequate safety precautions doesn't stand a chance against the enduring false narrative of Israel's persecution of Christians.
Isabel DeBre erases the Islamic Jihad affiliations of young fighters to romanticize supposedly new grassroots groups of militants, ignoring the big picture of Iranian and Hamas involvement.
CAMERA prompts improvement of AP captions about a Palestinian killed at a checkpoint after the texts initially omitted the army's information that Abdullah Qalalweh attempted to attack a soldier and ignored warning shots to retreat.
AP's "clarifying" 2022 photos essay throws the news agency's anti-Israel obsession into sharp relief, putting clashes during Shireen Abu Akleh's funeral ahead of iconic Ukraine war images, leaving Iran out of the frame, and recasting an Islamic Jihad commander as a victim.
Several hours after Tiran Fero's family reported that Palestinian gunmen killed the Israeli Druze high schooler by unhooking his ventilator in a Jenin hospital, leading media outlets continued to ignore their account. And then CAMERA stepped in.
Associated Press today commendably amends incomplete captions which had initially only stated that Palestinian Haitham Shuham was shot dead by Israeli troops while failing to report why. An Israeli soldier fatally shot Shuham after he wounded a soldier, slamming a hammer into his face.
After having previously displayed keen interest in the welfare of animals in the Palestinian territories, Agence France Presse, Reuters and Associated Press suddenly bolted when the mayor of Hebron offered a 20 shekel bounty for each slaughtered dog.
AP's Tia Goldenberg spins the tale that Maj. Gen. Herzl Halevi's appointment as chief of staff caps the settlers' transformation from a fringe group to Israel's mainstream. The political reality and voting record belie her predetermined, facts-be-damned narrative.