Christian Century

Maintaining the Veil of Silence

Paul-Gordon Chandler uses the pages of the Christian Century to maintain the veil of silence over Muslim hostility toward Coptic Christians in Egypt.

CAMERA Analyst at Boston College

CAMERA Analyst Dexter Van Zile spoke at Boston College on April 6, 2009. Van Zile spoke about anti-Zionism in mainline Protestant churches in the U.S.

Rev. Wall Errs, Again

Responding to Chicago Jewish leaders who challenged his refusal to accept Jewish sovereignty, Rev. James Wall, a longtime columnist for the Christian Century, distorts the historical record.

Christian Century Magazine Allows Wall Error

Columnist James Wall of Christian Century magazine claimed that Israel's security barrier "completely surrounds" Bethlehem. Although this is patently untrue—even according to PLO maps of the Israeli barrier—editors refuse to correct the error, simply because Wall, a regular critic of Israel, "stands by" his observation.