Like polluting empty plastic bottles strewn about, international media headlines devoid of key facts litter the information landscape and diminish public enlightenment.
After extended communication with CAMERA Arabic, Independent Arabia decides to end its practice of erroneously referring to Israeli communities near the Gaza Strip as "settlements."
Arabic-speaking journalists display a particular penchant for misidentifying Tel Aviv as Israel's capital, leading to patently absurd formulations including “Tel Aviv considers all of Jerusalem its capital” and "Tel Aviv's anthem."
Writing about a fictional Ramadan series, Independent Arabia's Amjad As-Sa'eed also resorts to fiction, falsely alleging thriving Jewish communities with "an ordinary life" in Syria, Bahrain, Iraq, Lebanon, Egypt Algeria and Sudan.
In response to rising antisemitism in the UK and continuing media bias against Israel, we’ve launched a new interactive website, CAMERA-UK, which will replace and combine content from CAMERA's UK Media Watch and BBC Watch.