Wall Street Journal

Wall Street Journal & The Sentiment Not Reported

UPDATE: The Wall Street Journal corrects an Oct. 26 photo caption which had erased the Hebrew message on a Tehran billboard stating: "Israel should be wiped off the face of the earth and that is just the beginning of the story."

The New Wall Street Journal – Chasing Clicks with Anti-Israel Bias

The growing, undeniable tilt against Israel in Wall Street Journal news coverage since the October 7 Hamas attack on the Jewish state appears connected to a change in focus under a new Editor-in-Chief, Emma Tucker. The Journal now routinely terms all of the West Bank "Palestinian territory" -- an error previously corrected in the Journal's own pages.
Shifa Hospital Plaza

No Power in Gaza, Hospitals Shutting Down? Watch this Video

Hamas-controlled health authorities have been claiming -- for weeks -- that Gaza hospitals will have to close in a day or two for lack of power, and this has been repeated by numerous media outlets. But what Hamas is omitting is that thanks to a UN/WHO program Gaza hospitals have extensive solar panel installations on their roofs, which can supply a substantial portion of their power needs. Watch the video and see for yourself.

Wall Street Journal Flouts Ethics with Israel Child-Killer Charge

When are gun-wielding teenage Islamic Jihad members involved in violent clashes defined as "children"? The answer is when the WSJ's Stephen Kalin is reporting and Journal "corrections" editors endorse the biased misinformation. How does this scenario square with the Journal's professed adherence to journalistic ethics and commitment to ensuring reader "trust"? Answer: It doesn't.