Saeb Erekat

Another NPR Winter of Distortion

As sure as the calendar moves toward spring, National Public Radio stations turn to a fresh season of fund-raising. For listeners wondering about the status of the network's longstanding bias against Israel, a snapshot of coverage in early 2005 offers few signs of positive change. Instead, the tilt toward Arab positions continues. Sloppiness with factual precision is still commonplace.

BACKGROUNDER: A Study in Palestinian Duplicity and Media Indifference

Palestinian spokesmen Nabil Sha'ath, Hassan Abdel Rahman, Yasser Abed Rabbo, Ahmed Abdel Rahman and Saeb Erakat took the Western media for a ride in April 2002, loudly proclaiming Israel had committed a "massacre" in Jenin.  Yet, despite copious evidence of their blatant lying, the credibility of these spokesmen with the American press is apparently unaffected.

CNN Anchors Weigh Down Israelis, Boost Palestinians

CNN anchors and interviewers consistently allow Palestinian guests to say anything they want, but pressure and interrogate Israelis, signaling viewers they shouldn't believe anything said on Israel's behalf.