Books that IVP in the U.S. and the U.K. have published about the Holy Land have been marred by errors, omissions, and historical distortions that invariably portray Israel in an unfairly harsh light. Problems in Palestinian society that hinder the prospects of peace in the Holy Land are, for the most part, taboo subjects in IVP books.
The Middle East Institute which promotes itself as an unbiased player among Washington’s Middle East think tanks, has opened itself to serious criticism over Lustick’s highly unbalanced, anti-Israel piece in MEI’s Middle East Journal.
The New York Times again shoehorns events to fit a desired narrative. IHRA's widely-embraced Working Definition of Antisemitism, adopted by more than two dozen countries, and embraced by Obama's State Department, becomes nothing more than a "disputed definition" "unilaterally adopted" by a controversial Trump administration official.
Haaretz's Shany Littman describes a "violent attack by rightists" against then Balad activist Yael Lerer at a 2013 panel at Netanya Academic College. "It was almost a lynching," Lerer claims, but her own videos of the incident tell a very different story.
On one hand, Iran wants its own citizens (and enemies) to believe that it has COVD-19 under control, and yet on the other hand, it wants gullible and kind-hearted westerners to believe that its people are dying in droves because of the evil Americans.
Haaretz contributor Odeh Bisharat falsely argues that President Trump's executive order targeting campus antisemitism will place Israel "above criticism," while the definition that the president endorses explicitly specifies otherwise.
Eli Valley and Norman Finkelstein appeared on campus the same week. Shortly afterwards, students created a memorial for Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorists.
In some American public schools, the once prevalent image of Israelis as plucky Jews rebuilding their ancient homeland has been replaced by the bleak image of a militarized colonial-settler state infringing upon the lives of victimized Palestinians.
A Wicked Local editorial falsely claims the Trump administration's anti-Islamic sentiment and support for Israel is the reason the United States Department of Education warned Duke University's Middle East Program that it was in danger of losing federal funding.
UMass Chancellor Kumble Subbaswamy has condemned the anti-Israel BDS movement that has taken root on college campuses throughout the United States, stating that the movement “fails to acknowledge the humanity on the Israeli side of the conflict” and serves to alienate Jews who attend the school.