Borders, Security Barrier and Checkpoints

UPDATED: Papal Visit in Israel Tests the LA Times

The Los Angeles Times today corrects one of three errors found in its coverage of the Pope's visit to Israel. The two omitted errors had been previously corrected by the paper back in 2003 and 2008.

UK’s Independent Defends Unethical Journalism

The Independent ran several columns expressing fury about the BBC Trust's ruling that Middle East editor Jeremy Bowen violated ethical guidelines — perhaps because the newspaper itself is guilty of the same sort of  inaccurate, advocacy journalism.

Jimmy Carter’s Second Draft

Jimmy Carter noticeably toned down his rhetoric in his most recent book; but the text – an obvious attempt to sanitize Hamas’ hostility and violence – is still filled with errors of fact and marred by egregious omissions.

CAMERA Letter in Jerusalem Post on Roadblocks

A CAMERA letter today in the Jerusalem Post debunks an argument made by Machsom Watch's Nomi Lalo that checkpoints and checkpoints serve no security purpose because "terrorists do not pass through roadblocks."

Second Gaza: Time’s Tim McGirk Creates a Virtual Reality

In Time magazine's virtual world, Gaza has no Qassams, is surrounded by Israel and a concrete wall, and the U.S. and Israel urge the beating of women protesters — and this alternate reality is passed off as news.

CAMERA Letter in Washington Times Educates on Barrier

The letter explained the International Court of Justice opinion on Israel's security barrier was merely advisory in nature, and that the barrier, a counterterrorism measure, is built on land whose status is disputed.