Cast Lead (Gaza 2008)

Gaza Casualties: Civilian or Combatant?

The Israeli army has published figures claiming 70 percent of the Palestinians killed in the Gaza fighting were combatants. This contradicts Palestinian claims that most of the dead were unarmed civilians. CAMERA's analysis found 3/4 of the fatalities were adult males.

Hamas’s Palestinian Victims: Human Shields

As the media broadcast and discuss images of destruction in the Gaza Strip, it is essential that they recall, and alert the public to, Hamas's use of crowded and built up civilian areas as a base for attacking Israel.

Myths and Facts about the Fighting in Gaza

Myths about the fighting in Gaza multiply everyday. For example, Rashid Khalidi in a New York Times op-ed provided multiple examples of Gaza myths in an article purporting to do the opposite. (updated Jan. 19)

Who Broke the Ceasefire? CNN’s “Fact Check” Falls Short

CNN's Rick Sanchez promised "fact checking" of anti-Israel charges, "fairly [and] honestly." In fact CNN's incompetent research just compounded the errors. Viewers hoping for accurate coverage of the Middle East would do well to avoid Sanchez, and his co-anchor Jim Clancy, like the plague.

In Gaza Conflict, Context is Key

As in the Hezbollah War of 2006, in today's Gaza conflict some reporters, such as CNN's Rick Sanchez, shift the story to alleged "disproportionate" Israeli attacks, with a false focus on relative losses by the parties.