
The JTA Gets it Wrong on Settlements

A New York City mayoral candidate said the West Bank was "disputed territory." The Jewish Telegraphic Agency reported that the candidate's position "runs counter to the U.S. government" view. CAMERA's commentary in the Algemeiner explained why JTA was in error.

On Israel, NPR is No Perspective Radio

The NPR program, "All Things Considered," featured a segment reported by Lourdes Garcia-Navarro on July 12 that continues her pattern of reporting stories constructed in a manner that shows Israel in a negative light.

New York Times: “All the News That’s Fit to Conceal”

The New York Times holds its own skewed view of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, according to which Israel is always to blame. It tries to impose this perspective on its readers by carefully choosing which facts to present and which to conceal.

The New York Times’ War Against Israeli Settlers

As part of its general lopsided coverage of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the New York Times has stepped up its attacks on Israeli settlers. According to Jerusalem bureau chief Ethan Bronner, "for much of the world, the very presence of ... Israeli settlers in the West Bank amounts to a kind of violent crime."

New York Times Plays Blame Game on Negotiations Impasse

The Palestinian leadership insists it will not resume face-to-face negotiations until Israel complies with its preconditions, while their diplomats — with the help of some partisan writing in the New York Times news pages — cast Israel as responsible for the impasse.

New York Times Draws Anti-Israel Lesson From Palestinian Attack

palestnian terror attackWhat does a terror attack against Israel teach us? According to the New York Times, it's that Israel is being disruptive. In its recent coverage of two deadly attacks against Israelis, the newspaper demonstrated an especially flagrant abandonment of journalistic standards, spinning coverage so as to deflect culpability for the violence away from the perpetrators.

Historical Amnesia at the Financial Times

The Financial Times ignores the history of eastern Jerusalem, denying Jewish historical, legal and religious connection to the city, while validating Palestinian claims.