Lee Green

“Tough Love” for Nicholas Kristof

KristofNicholas Kristof's "Tough Love for Israel" (New York Times, July 24) demonstrates his vast ignorance regarding Israel and its neighbors, along with his proclivity to choose to "forget" messy facts which get in the way of his simplistic view of Israel as the major obstacle to peace.

LA Times runs Anti-Semitic Cartoon with Inflammatory Op-Ed

Los Angeles Times op-ed by Stephen Walt and John Mearsheimer spewed more of the authors anti-Israel inaccuracies and was accompanied by an anti-Semitic cartoon more at home in a neo-Nazi publication than a supposedly major newspaper.

New York Times Publishes Photo of Smiling Terrorist

The photo accompanying a NY Times' film review showed the smiling face of Ahlam Tamimi. That Tamimi was the unrepentant terrorist who assisted in the suicide bombing of a pizza shop, killing 16, was not mentioned.

Anti-Semitism in the 21st Century: The Resurgence (2007)

Produced and Directed by Andrew Goldberg Distributed by PBS English 60 minutes
The PBS film provides a compelling look at how widespread and virulent anti-Semitism is in the Muslim world today. The vast majority of the documentary is an eye-opening tour de force.

Israel Should Not Be Presumed Guilty of Gaza Beach Deaths

Much has been reported about an explosion on a Gaza beach on June 9, 2006 which killed 7 people, including 3 children. There has been a video shown repeatedly of a young girl wailing with grief there, coming upon the dead body of her father, and photographs from this video displayed in newspapers. The media is reacting to this incident much as they did five years ago with the case of Mohammed Al Dura. But like that case, it is becoming doubtful that the explosion was from an Israeli source.

BBC’s Hardtalk Host Harangues Halevy with Hostile Questions

An April 3rd interview with former Mossad chief Efraim Halevy by BBC's "Hardtalk" host David Jessel is emblematic of the BBC's infamous anti-Israel bent. The host's questions are breathtaking in their hostility toward Israel and their one-sided, prejudicial nature.