Media Corrections

Accuracy and accountability are among the most important tenets of journalism. In combination, they mean media organizations are expected to publish or broadcast forthright corrections after sharing inaccurate information. The following corrections are among the many prompted by CAMERA’s communication with reporters and editors.


ABC Significantly Improves Timeline on Israel-Hamas War

ABC thoroughly corrects after reporting that Hamas targeted "settlers," uncritically parroting Hamas' false claim that "all" of its fired rockets landed in Israel, and inventing that Gazans who don't flee the north face the "wrath of 400,000 Israeli soldiers."

AP Corrects: US Embassy Not in Tel Aviv After All

The Associated Press, which boasts "world-class journalism" and "global expertise," has been embroiled in a number of recent gaffes in its coverage of Israel and the Palestinians. The latest is a series of captions yesterday which misplaced the U.S. Embassy, moved to Jerusalem in 2018 amid great fanfare and controversy, back in Tel Aviv.

CAMERA Prompts ABC Correction on Gaza Settlements

Following communication from CAMERA, ABC News corrected an online column which had wrongly stated Gaza settlements were causing friction between Obama and Netanyahu. Israel completely dismantled Gaza settlements years before Obama took office.

CAMERA Action Prompts Improvement at features a permanent interactive item which provides background information on Hamas. The article had originally whitewashed the group's goals and sources of funding from abroad. Editors are to be commended for making the following changes after having heard from CAMERA staff.