Accuracy and accountability are among the most important tenets of journalism. In combination, they mean media organizations are expected to publish or broadcast forthright corrections after sharing inaccurate information. The following corrections are among the many prompted by CAMERA’s communication with reporters and editors.
CAMERA prompts an AFP correction after the wire service misreported that Netanyahu has opposed "any Palestinian governance in the Gaza Strip." In fact, the Israeli Prime Minister has called for "civilian administration run by Palestinians who do not seek to destroy Israel."
CAMERA prompts AFP to amend after reporting the "whole [Eurovision] contest has been clouded by the participation of Israel." It's not Israel which clouded Eurovision. It's the haters of Israel who did so.
Are Hamas supporters chanting "from the river to the sea" misrepresenting Hamas' goal? Not at all. AFP corrects after ludicrously reporting that Yahya Sinwar's "dream" is a Palestinian state in the Gaza Strip, West Bank and eastern Jerusalem.
In a rare series of France24 corrections, the French public broadcaster removed false references from several online Arabic stories which wrongly labeled Israeli communities in the Gaza border area as "settlements."
In ruling that Jerusalem correspondent Leila Odeh is fit for reporting and in failing to probe systemic anti-Israel bias in the Arabic service, France24 gives carte blanche to on air misconduct across the board.
Israeli Arab terrorists Karim and Maher Younis were convicted of the 1980 kidnapping and murder of Israeli soldier Avraham Bromberg. It's amazing how many facts about this case were misreported. With Arabic and English corrections at Reuters, AFP, France 24 and more, only The Jerusalem Post remains impervious to requests to set the record straight.
Arabic-speaking journalists display a particular penchant for misidentifying Tel Aviv as Israel's capital, leading to patently absurd formulations including “Tel Aviv considers all of Jerusalem its capital” and "Tel Aviv's anthem."
CAMERA Arabic has prompted correction of a France 24 Arabic article which erroneously reported that Panama, along with Paraguay, had moved its embassy to Jerusalem only to return it back to Tel Aviv.