Media Corrections

Accuracy and accountability are among the most important tenets of journalism. In combination, they mean media organizations are expected to publish or broadcast forthright corrections after sharing inaccurate information. The following corrections are among the many prompted by CAMERA’s communication with reporters and editors.


CiF Watch Prompts Guardian Correction of Livni Quote

CiF Watch, a CAMERA affiliate, has prompted a Guardian correction of an Op-Ed in which Michael Brull truncated a quote by Tzipi Livni, misrepresenting her description of the Palestinian view on settlements as her own view.

CiF Watch Prompts Correction on Prisoner Sperm Story

CiF Watch, a CAMERA affiliate, has prompted correction of a Guardian article which had downplayed the crime of a Palestinian prisoner whose sperm was reportedly smuggled out of an Israeli jail.

CiF Watch Prompts Correction on Ashrawi Op-Ed

CiF Watch, an independent affiliate of CAMERA, has prompted a correction at the Guardian on an Op-Ed by Hanan Ashrawi which had falsely claimed that Israel approved housing for Jews only in Gilo.

Guardian Corrects: Israel Does Not Control Gaza Border With Egypt

The Guardian is the second major media outlet this month to issue a correction noting that Israel does not control all of Gaza's borders. The British media outlet, however, has not amended its headline and subhead placing Akko in the West Bank.

CAMERA Prompts Correction at the Guardian

CAMERA staff elicited a correction from the Guardian on an opinion piece by Patrick Seale, who erroneously claimed that Qassam rockets launched from Gaza had not caused any fatalities.