Media Corrections

Accuracy and accountability are among the most important tenets of journalism. In combination, they mean media organizations are expected to publish or broadcast forthright corrections after sharing inaccurate information. The following corrections are among the many prompted by CAMERA’s communication with reporters and editors.


Haaretz Prints Correction on BDS Activists That Weren’t

CAMERA prompts correction of a Haaretz photo caption which erroneously identified anti-BDS (boycott, divest, sanctions) activists as BDS activists. The caption error ironically accompanied a column about the "imaginary demon" of BDS.

CAMERA Prompts Wave of Corrections on Shamasneh Family Eviction

CAMERA prompts several corrections after multiple media outlets stated as fact that the Shamasnehs, evicted from their Sheik Jarrah home, had lived there since 1964, making them "protected tenants." Times of Israel, Haaretz and The Jerusalem Post correct: The courts found no evidence of residency prior to 1968, and thus the family did not have that status.

Haaretz Again Corrects on Mohammed Al Dura

For the second time, CAMERA prompts correction of a Haaretz English edition translation "error" which blamed Israel for Mohammed Al Dura's death. Both times, the English edition, but not the original Hebrew, attributed the September 2000 shooting to Israel.

Haaretz Corrects Latest Skewed Translation

CAMERA prompts correction of a Haaretz English edition article which incorrectly reported that Prime Minister Netanyahu is seeking to limit only left-wing NGOs for involvement in elections. Haaretz, Lost in Translation strikes again.