Accuracy and accountability are among the most important tenets of journalism. In combination, they mean media organizations are expected to publish or broadcast forthright corrections after sharing inaccurate information. The following corrections are among the many prompted by CAMERA’s communication with reporters and editors.
Reuters commendably corrects after overstating the number of Palestinians living in refugee camps in Lebanon and clarifies that the victims of a Palestinian attack were Israeli.
Following communication from CAMERA, Reuters deletes the false claim that the Jenin refugee camp "was largely destroyed by Israeli troops during a previous incursion two decades ago." In fact, according to a U.N. report, 10 percent of the camp was "totally destroyed" in the 2002 incursion.
Ashraf Ibrahim, killed in a gunbattle with Israeli troops, was a Palestinian intelligence officer. He also moonlighted as a fighter with the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, a designated terrorist organization affiliated with Fatah. News stories reported the former work while leaving out the latter.
Weaponized usage of a single key word can propagate an insidious blood libel. CAMERA prompts correction after Reuters mischaracterized confirmed terrorist leaders targeted by Israel as "alleged Islamic Jihad commanders."
CAMERA prompts quick improvements after AP initially buried the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade affiliation of three fighters killed this morning near Nablus and underreported the number of combatants killed earlier this month in Gaza.
While Times of Israel and BBC Arabic commendably improved their respective articles after initially failing to report that slain Palestinian teen Jibril Muhammad Ladaa was a Hamas fighter, Haaretz, Reuters and AFP have yet to add the key information.
CAMERA Arabic prompts Reuters corrections in both English and Arabic after misreporting about Palestinian fatalities in an Israeli military raid in Nablus understated the number of combatants and overstated the number of civilians.
CAMERA prompts improvement of AP captions about a Palestinian killed at a checkpoint after the texts initially omitted the army's information that Abdullah Qalalweh attempted to attack a soldier and ignored warning shots to retreat.