Media Corrections

Accuracy and accountability are among the most important tenets of journalism. In combination, they mean media organizations are expected to publish or broadcast forthright corrections after sharing inaccurate information. The following corrections are among the many prompted by CAMERA’s communication with reporters and editors.


AFP Corrects Caption: Bombed Gaza Site Was Hamas Base

CAMERA's Israel office prompts correction today of an AFP photo caption which omitted the essential fact that the pictured Gaza site, bombed during an Israeli airstrike, was a Hamas training camp.

Newsweek Corrects: Israeli Police Did Not Enter Mosque

 In a correction of a headline which falsely states that Israeli troops "storm Jerusalem's Al Aqsa Mosque," Newsweek editors make clear that the police did not enter the mosque. Meanwhile, The New York Times has yet to correct the identical falsehood.

CNN Corrects: Scott Walker Met with Isaac (not Werner) Herzog

CAMERA prompts correction of CNN's article today which claimed that presidential hopeful Scott Walker met with Werner Herzog on the Iran deal. Walker met with Israeli opposition leader Isaac Herzog, not German film director Werner.

AFP Sets Record Straight on Gaza Flooding

Following communication from CAMERA, AFP retracts its video claiming that a "Gaza village flooded as Israel opens dam gates," and publishes a comprehensive article on the "shattering" of a "Palestinian myth."

AFP Lies, Dam Lies and Floods

AFP has trouble passing up on a juicy story, however flimsy, accusing Israel of wrongdoing. The latest accuses Israel of flooding Gaza by opening dams. Only, there are no dams that can be opened in southern Israel.

Update: AFP's video has been pulled from websites; still no correction.