Peace Process & Initiatives

Jimmy Carter’s Second Draft

Jimmy Carter noticeably toned down his rhetoric in his most recent book; but the text – an obvious attempt to sanitize Hamas’ hostility and violence – is still filled with errors of fact and marred by egregious omissions.

Annapolis and its Aftermath: Background Information on Key Issues

As Arab and Israeli representatives gather in Annapolis at the behest of the American Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice, to hammer out a joint Israeli-Palestinian statement on the shape of future peace talks, it is useful to look at the core issues of permanent status negotiations.

A Promising Career at the Independent

Johann Hari, an up-and-coming writer known for his praise of  Hugo Chavez, has become a regular contributor to London's Independent. An ideological soulmate of Robert Fisk's, Hari merges anti-Zionist rhetoric with anti-Jewish themes.

Jimmy Carter’s “Settlement Freeze” Lie

Jimmy Carter admitted in 2003 that at Camp David Prime Minister Begin agreed to only a three month settlement freeze, but he falsely charges in his book that Begin pledged an open-ended freeze, and then reneged.

Palestine Peace not Apartheid: A Collection of Jimmy Carter’s Errors

Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid
By Jimmy Carter
Simon & Schuster, 2006

Jimmy Carter claims that "everything" in his new book is "completely accurate," and maintains (incorrectly) that the book's critics deal in straw-man accusations and ad hominem attacks. But many, if not most, of the facts on which his book's premise rests are demonstrably false.