Racism and Ethnic Cleansing

CNN Journalists Erase Israel’s Enemies and their Crimes

Whether writing about 1948 or 2024, some CNN journalists have a hard time acknowledging Palestinian and Arab aggression against Israel. Perhaps it’s because they aren’t interested in reporting the truth. Perhaps they’re simply interested in advancing a partisan narrative.

Tucker Carlson’s assault on American Christian support for Israel

Under the guise of advocating for Palestinian Christians, Tucker Carlson launched a two-pronged assault on American Christian support for the Jewish State. To provide legitimacy for his campaign, he enlisted the help of Rev. Dr. Munther Isaac, a notorious propagandist for the Palestinian anti-Israel narrative.

CNN International Platforms Antisemite to Accuse Jews of Racism

CNN International’s Isa Soares brought on one deranged racist, the United Nations’s Francesca Albanese, to accuse Israelis of being deranged racists. Lest one ponder whether Soares believed “it takes one to know one” when it comes to racists, her viewers were left in the dark about Albanese’s widely known and condemned history of antisemitism.

Updated June 14: Scientific American Removes Article Promoting BDS

The venerable, American popular science magazine has become the latest venue for anti-Israel defamation. Why would editors cast aside the scientific tradition of fact-based inquiry in order to present pro-terrorist propaganda and the promotion of BDS in the guise of an analytic article?
Excerpts from the agreement

Sheikh Jarrah: The Facts

A long-simmering controversy over the fate of Jewish-owned land and Palestinian tenants in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood of Jerusalem has once again become frontpage news after yet another court decision reaffirming the pre-1948 Jewish ownership of the land and the obligation of the Palestinian tenants to pay their rent or be evicted.

CBS Falsely Alleges Demolition of Palestinian ‘Village’

CBS's false depiction of Israel's demolition of a handful of illegally tents and pens dangerously built in a long-established military firing zone as the destruction of an entire Palestinian village is one small step away from Congresswoman Ilhan Omar's vitriolic "ethnic cleansing" charge.