Terrorism, Terrorists
and Terrorist Groups

Anti-Jewish Violence in Pre-State Palestine/1929 Massacres

Attacks by Arabs against Jews in Israel pre-dates Israeli settlements, pre-dates Israel's so-called "occupation," and pre-dates the establishment of the State of Israel. On the 80th anniversary of  brutal massacres in Hebron and Safed (Gregorian calendar), CAMERA documents the oft-neglected history of Arab violence in pre-state Palestine.

Sixth Fatah Congress: The Myth of Moderation

The media has long promoted Fatah — in contrast to Hamas — as the party of Palestinian political moderates seeking peace with Israel, while glossing over evidence to the contrary. An example of this was coverage by some media outlets of the Sixth Fatah General Congress, the first such conference in twenty years, which has just concluded.

Jimmy Carter’s Second Draft

Jimmy Carter noticeably toned down his rhetoric in his most recent book; but the text – an obvious attempt to sanitize Hamas’ hostility and violence – is still filled with errors of fact and marred by egregious omissions.

Roundup: UNRWA’s Ties to Terrorism

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinians in the Near East, a vocal critic of Israeli policies has been a source of financial and logistical suport for terror groups.