By labeling Israel as a “colonial occupier,” the Palestinians and their enablers at the UNHRC are using the same antisemitic strategy they frequently employ at UNESCO to delink Jews from their indigenous homeland and their holy sites.
Israel is right to snub the U.N. COI, and the U.S. – as well as all fair-minded democracies – need to step up and put an end to this blatant antisemitism coming from the U.N. It's deeply concerning that they would allow their U.N. funding to be used for an inherently anti-Semitic initiative.
AFP falsely reports that Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations Gilad Erdan failed to respond to the Palestinian representative's vilification of Israel as an "apartheid" state. In fact, Erdan directly refuted Riyad Mansour's assault.
"[W]e are not pursuing the individuals' names." The New York Times refuses to supply details for Palestinians it reported were killed last year in settler violence. There's nothing classified about any of information, so what exactly is the paper hiding?
CAMERA prompts corrections after Fox erroneously reported that Israel plans to build 1,300 new settlements and that the United Nations considers the West Bank "illegally occupied."
Human Rights Watch repeatedly scoffs at IDF claims that there are Hamas tunnels under Gaza, saying that HRW’s investigators could find no trace of these supposed tunnels. However, Israeli journalist Gal Berger reports that the UN is worried about such tunnels undermining their school's foundations, but Hamas is preventing UN experts from checking. If Hamas won't let the UN check for tunnels, did they really let HRW check?
Filmmakers Maya Zinshtein and Abraham (Abie) Troen did the the same thing to David Brog that they did to former U.S. President Donald Trump. They altered what he said in a manner that fundamentally changes the meaning of what he said at a 2018 meeting of Christians United for Israel.
While the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine is grappling with a serious funding shortfall, the controversial organization enjoys vast marketing and public relations resources, drawing on the support of sympathetic journalists. PBS' NewsHour is the latest media outlet to join the campaign.
CAMERA prompts a forthright, thorough correction after Deutsche Welle erroneously reported that UN Resolution 194 "guaranteed" the Palestinian "right of return." The General Assembly resolution is a suggestion, not a guarantee, conditions return on refugees willing to live at peace with their neighbors, and places return on equal footing with resettlement and compensation.
Fox News wrongly refers to "Palestinian lands that the United Nations has deemed illegally occupied territory." While the UN considers settlements illegal, it has not deemed the occupation of disputed West Bank land illegal.