Water Issues

Syndicated Propaganda

Though Edmund Hanauer, director of Search for Justice and Equality in Palestine/Israel, routinely speaks of "justice" and "peace," the word "misinformation" more accurately describes his attacks against Israel, and his most recent column is no exception.

‘Crossfire’ Fallout at AJR

In the June/July issue of American Journalism Review, Barbara Matusow covered the contentious topic of criticism of Middle East news coverage. In avoiding any substantive assessment of the content of the criticism, Matusow's overarching message was that journalists are a blameless, beleaguered group, assailed by propagandists and baseless accusations. Her implication was proven baseless when CAMERA prompted the following correction on Matusow's own report.

Chris Hedges, Harper’s, and Israel

Chris Hedges' "A Gaza Diary: Scenes from the Palestinian Uprising," published in the September/October edition of Harper's, is severely marred by material errors and grave anti-Israel bias.

BACKGROUNDER: Does Israel Use “Palestinian” Water?

In recent years press accounts have charged Israel with unfairly and illegally draining water from "Palestinian aquifers," enabling Israelis to enjoy green lawns, clean cars and full swimming pools, while leaving Palestinians with barely enough to drink. The facts say something else.