New Yorker

David Remnick’s Ignorance Knows No Bounds

David Remnick, editor of The New Yorker, once again puts his fatuous ignorance and faux sophistication on display in his recent screed about Israel, Netanyahu and judicial reform.

The Joint List Rejects Peace—and the Media Rejects Coverage

Israel's cabinet and Knesset have voted to support recent peace agreements with the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain. Only one political party opposed accepting the Accords: the Joint List. And the media, despite having lavished recent attention on the Joint List, has declined to report the party's opposition to the peace deals.

New Yorker Corrects on Gaza Fisherman’s Death

CAMERA prompts correction of a New Yorker article which had falsely claimed that Israeli troops killed a Gaza fisherman "ostensibly for sailing past the six-mile limit," but the improved version still neglects to report that according to both Israeli and Palestinian sources, Nawaf Attar was approaching the Gaza security fence when he was shot dead.

New Yorker Magazine’s Latest Anti-Israel Screed

A massive fiction-like report, "The Enemy of My Enemy," by Adam Entous in New Yorker’s June 18 issue, misleads about Israel and U.S. support of the Jewish state while trying to explain the new Middle East.

New Yorker Corrects: There Are MRI Machines in Gaza

"Fighting fake news with real news" is a New Yorker advertising banner which appears alongside an article which had falsely claimed that there are no MRI machines in the Gaza Strip. Following communication from CAMERA staff and many CAMERA members, The New Yorker corrects.