Ali Sawafta

Reuters: Of Faith and Facts

The abandonment of ethical journalism in favor of partisanship reflects the open embrace of anti-Israel narrative which, like faith, is not dependent on facts. Under this paradigm, the historic fact of the ancient Jewish temples' location on the Temple Mount is massaged into nothing more than a matter of Jewish faith.

Media Mislead on Palestinian Elections and Israel’s Oslo Obligations

With Abbas' cancellation of elections on the pretext that Israel has not said it will permit voting in eastern Jerusalem, some reports mislead on Israel's Oslo-mandated responsibilities concerning Palestinian elections. As for Palestinian electoral responsibilities under Oslo, those simply aren't on the radar.

Reuters Errs on ‘Palestinian Soldiers’

UPDATE: "[P]er the Oslo Accords, the PA is not permitted a conventional military but maintains security and police forces," the CIA Factbook rightly notes. CAMERA prompts corrections in English, Arabic and Spanish after Reuters mischaracterized Palestinian security officers and police as "soldiers."

Ha’aretz Corrects Jewish State Error

Now that Ha'aretz has commendably corrected the erroneous claim that Netanyahu was the first Israeli PM to demand Palestinian recognition of Israel as a Jewish state, will Reuters and The New York Times follow suit?