Joseph Krauss

AP Misleads on Electricity for Gaza Strip

The Associated Press today misleads, stating that most in the Gaza Strip "only have a few hours of electricity a day." In fact, according to United Nations data, every day this month Gazans had more than 12 hours of electricity.
An AP photo of a victim of PFLP's terror

AP, Times of Israel Amend Language on PFLP Terror Group

The news organizations initially described the PFLP as merely a "leftist political party that has an armed wing." CAMERA secured corrected language that acknowledges the Palestinian group's terrorism and terror designations.

Four Questions the AP Won’t Dare Ask Palestinians

For AP or other reporters to ask Palestinians about rejection of peace proposals would require them to act like real journalists, rather than pro-Palestinian activists. Any reporter who fails to ask such questions is either unaware of the basic facts, or is a propagandist. Either way it is inexcusable.

AFP Whitewashes History of Iraq’s Jews

An AFP article on Iraqi efforts to renovate ancient religious sites whitewashes the history of Iraqi Jews and raises more questions than it answers. Will the sites be restored to preserve their original Jewish character, or will renovations turn the Jewish sites into mosques?