POLITICO's latest report on Israel is replete with misleading omissions and distortions. Reporter Nahal Toosi fails to disclose the documented links between several NGOs and terrorist groups. Worse still, she treats them as credible sources.
“Joe Biden,” a Politico headline blared on April 6, 2021, “is not planning to solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.” This may or may not be true. But what is clear is that Politico isn’t interested in providing readers with the truth about the conflict.
A recent Politico report on potential U.S. State Department efforts to declare faux human rights organizations antisemitic, omits crucial details. Indeed, even recent example of these organizations' antisemitism were left out by a reporter.
A recent Politico report on U.S. policies towards "settlements" omits important history and wrongly claims that they are a "clear violation of international law." But as CAMERA noted in The Times of Israel, the truth is more complex than Politico's narrative allows.
A recent report by Politico claims that Palestinians are "coming to support" a one-state solution. In fact, history shows that Palestinian Arab leaders have always rejected the idea of a Jewish state.