When a Human Rights Watch activist was given two chances on MSNBC to talk about the situation in Israel, she used the word “terrorism” only once. No, not in reference to the mass murder, rape, mutilation, torture, and burning alive of 1,400 Israeli men, women, and children at the hands of Palestinian terrorists. Rather, she used it to describe the Israeli Defense Force’s urging of Gazans to evacuate northern Gaza where the IDF intends to strike hard against those Palestinian terrorists.
Ali Velshi spent much of his Sunday morning weaving a narrative of an evil Jewish state, threading together outright lies with material omissions to tell his false tale of a brutal, undemocratic apartheid state.
By bringing on someone with such a record of outlandish lies, and by refusing to either push back with the facts or bring on an opposing perspective that could have countered Diana Buttu’s falsehoods and calls to ethnically cleanse the land of Jews a second time, MSNBC once again shows contempt for credibility and accuracy.
When MSNBC has to excuse Velshi’s inaccuracies by claiming he wasn’t actually talking about factual reality, or that he was speaking overly broadly by using “shorthand,” that demonstrates the profound recklessness with which Velshi treats facts and accuracy.
Welcome to Cal Perry's alternate reality, where Israel has a constitution, the state is in "a legitimate constitutional crisis," and Israeli Arabs, too intimidated to vote, have no influence on the political process. MSNBC calls in its expert to explain Israel's political chaos.