Mahmoud Abbas

AFP Lends Hand to Palestinian Propaganda

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas yesterday displayed egregiously misleading propaganda maps showing the allegedly diminishing lands of "historic Palestine" and giving an inaccurate picture of the Trump proposal. AFP captions treat Abbas' maps at face value, providing no context about the gross falsehoods.

CAMERA Op-Ed: Slow Learning in the Middle East

CAMERA rebuts a Washington Post op-ed by two former U.S. State Department officials that incorrectly asserts that settlements are the chief obstruction to peace between Israelis and Palestinians.

CAMERA Op-Ed: Politico and Unpleasant Truths

A recent Politico report on U.S. policies towards "settlements" omits important history and wrongly claims that they are a "clear violation of international law." But as CAMERA noted in The Times of Israel, the truth is more complex than Politico's narrative allows.