New York Times Fabricates ‘Fierce Debate’ Among British Jews

Times' Benjamin Mueller cites a brand-new, marginal, fringe group while completely ignoring the large, influential, mainstream organizations in order to bolster the baseless fantasy that "fierce debate"rages in Britain's Jewish community about Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis' rebuke of Corbyn.

Haaretz’s Gideon Levy on British Jewry: ‘Let Them Flee’

Defending Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn in face of widespread criticism of antisemitism under his leadership, Haaretz's Gideon Levy himself peddles age old tropes which fall under the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance working definition of antisemitism.

Cicadas and Antisemitism

From time to time, when memories of antisemitism have expired, a significant number of hidden antisemites suddenly turn to the open practice of their ancient hatred as if it were a sudden burst of cicada.

How Will NY Times React to Editor’s Antisemitic Tweets?

After a senior New York Times editor had mocked and engaged in antisemitism prior to his tenure at the Times, the paper said it is "reviewing next steps." CAMERA explores what those next steps might be, based on how the paper has handled similar controversies, and how it has handled Jewish concerns.