Israel, Michael Horowitz argues in his new book, is at a crossroads. The Jewish state faces a mounting threat from the Islamic Republic of Iran yet it also enjoys warming relations with many Arab nations. As CAMERA tells the Washington Free Beacon, Horowitz makes excellent points but also omits key context.
The Washington Post is bleeding money and losing subscribers at an astonishing rate. The Post is turning to new leaders, and new programs, to recoup their losses. But as CAMERA tells the Washington Examiner magazine, it is the newspaper's failure to abide by basic journalism standards that are the chief contributing factor.
A recent New York Post report noted the anti-Israel activism of Theodore Roosevelt's great-great-great grandson. But as CAMERA tells the Algemeiner, it's all in the family. Roosevelt's grandchildren, both CIA officers, helped establish anti-Zionist networks in the U.S., and they used government funds to do so.
The United Nations is a key component in Hamas's war to destroy the Jewish state. And as CAMERA tells the Washington Times, the UN provides cover for the terrorist group. The press should not grant the UN undue credibility.
As CAMERA tells the Washington Examiner, the recent death of Ebrahim Raisi, the president of Iran, in a helicopter crash won’t change much. In the Islamic Republic, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has the final say, and men like Raisi are but his servants. The regime and its ambitions—to destroy Israel and remove the U.S. from the Middle East—will live on.
As CAMERA tells the Washington Examiner, Hamas can’t be eliminated unless the IDF launches an operation in Rafah. While some in the U.S. have questioned the wisdom of such a move, allowing Hamas to remain in Rafah effectively preserves the terrorist group.
As CAMERA tells the Washington Examiner, Iran’s recent barrage of missiles and drones launched from Iranian soil is unprecedented. The attack marks a significant, and noteworthy, escalation by the Islamic Republic. Failing to respond would hurt Israel’s deterrence—and America’s.
As CAMERA tells the Washington Examiner, Israel is not purely at war in Gaza against Hamas. Rather it is at war with the Iranian regime — a war in which Tehran struck a devastating blow.
Brown University's contribution to a growing trend of antisemitic views among young Americans is notable, not only for the extremist ideology promoted on campus by its Center for Middle East Studies but also because it aims to shape even younger minds through its Choices Program, a social-studies curriculum for high schoolers that includes units informed by the same radical ideology.
As American universities are aflame with extremism, antisemitism, and lawlessness, universities have only themselves to blame for the decades-long promotion of faculty members who abuse their role to indoctrinate students in “resistance”. By rewarding bad behavior over respectful dialogue, they are sowing the seeds of yet more chaos and lawlessness.