E-1 Building

NYT Blunders on Jerusalem Building

The Times correctly reports on the Arab population growth in Israel's capital, but misrepresents the truth about the massive Arab building—both legal and illegal—within Jerusalem.

Ha’aretz Again Fails to Correct Error

Ha;aretz has in the past revealed its complete disregard for journalistic norms by describing its "quasi-policy" of ignoring complaints about factual errors in news stories. And now, once again, a significant factual error has gone uncorrected in the pages of the newspaper.

Student Op-Ed in Carnegie Mellon Paper Gets Failing Grade

Hanadie Yousef, a student at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, published a column Oct. 17 in the school newspaper, the Tartan. The column, "Pullout from Gaza City is a Charade," repeated numerous falsehoods and canards which have earlier appeared in mainstream media outlets, some of which were subsequently corrected for the record. CAMERA awaits word as to whether the Tartan will correct as well.

New York Times Reports as Fact Anti-Israel Propaganda

Covering the recent controversy over building and demolition orders in the Silwan neighborhood of Jerusalem, New York Times reporter Christine Hauser credulously repeated false allegations from the extremist anti-Israel group which calls itself the Israeli Committee against House Demolitions.

USA Today Errs on Jerusalem Home Demolitions

USA Today presents a misleading, one-sided picture of home demolitions in Israel's capital in “Jerusalem's future banging on residents' doors; Several dozen Palestinian homes slated for demolition,” June 21.

The LA Times’ Contiguity Contortions

The Los Angeles Times falsely maintains that Palestinians will not be able to travel freely north and south in the West Bank once the Ma'aleh Adumim building plan is implemented. In fact, three routes are available for Palestinian travel in the area, and a fourth is on the way.

BBC Correspondent Demonstrates Bias

BBC airs a weekly programme, "From Our Own Correspondent," presenting the personal perspectives of the network's news reporters on the stories they cover. What the BBC does not acknowledge is that the programme is frequently used as a platform for propaganda – a means for partisan BBC correspondents who cover world conflicts to champion the position of the side they favor.