
How the NY Times Colors International Diplomacy on Jerusalem, Peace Plans

A recent New York Times piece quoted one Israeli speaking in support of formal US recognition of Israel's capital. And it quoted a PLO member, two Fatah leaders, two Hamas leaders, a Hamas statement, Palestinian Jerusalem resident, an Israeli NGO worker, and two former diplomats criticizing the move.

Backgrounder: The Battle Over Jerusalem and the Temple Mount

Once again, the dishonest battle cry to "defend" the Al Aqsa mosque from Jewish plans of takeover, is being cynically used  as a clarion call for violent jihad. It is the latest salvo in a war against Judaism's legacy in Jerusalem. CAMERA provides background on the battle over the Temple Mount, which is based on Muslim claims of supremacy and fought on multiple political and violent battlefronts.

Reunification of Jerusalem and Media Myths

On June 7, 1967 (28 Iyar) Israeli paratroopers advanced through the Old City of Jerusalem toward the Temple Mount and the Western Wall, reunifying Judaism's capital city after 19 years of division under Jordanian occupation. CAMERA presents a films about about some of the media myths regarding Jerusalem.

Travel to Alternative Jerusalem Reality in International New York Times (Updated)

An International New York Times feature today features a Jerusalem tour "billed as 'doco-theatrical journeys' into alternative realities." The alternative reality of Jerusalem which journalist Debra Kamin describes unrecognizable. Editors are following up on CAMERA's concerns.

Sept. 15 update: CAMERA prompts correction.