Land Issues:
Israeli, Palestinian and Bedouin

CNN’s Fareed Zakaria Wrong on Shelved Annexation Plan, Settlement Construction

CNN's Fareed Zakaria falsely cited Benjamin Netanyahu's shelved "promise of annexation of the West Bank." But the prime minister's plan involved only Israeli settlements and the Jordan Valley, some 30 percent of the West Bank, not the disputed territory in its entirety. And, contrary to Zakaria's slip, no "new settlements" have been approved.

Fox Errs on “Illegal” Occupation, Palestinian Land

Fox News wrongly refers to "Palestinian lands that the United Nations has deemed illegally occupied territory." While the UN considers settlements illegal, it has not deemed the occupation of disputed West Bank land illegal.

Disinformation Abounds in Vox Annexation Explainer With Brent Sasley

In a Vox explainer which begs explaining, Brent Sasley twists himself into a pickle over "creeping annexation" versus "substantive change." Interviewer Jen Kirby stumbles on the "return" of West Bank land to Palestinians and the duo erase Palestinian Authority control in the West Bank Areas A and B.

NYRB Looks To 1947 Partition Plan to Determine Palestinian Territories

According to the reckoning of the erudite New York Review of Books, the southern Israeli city of Beersheba is Palestinian territory. Displaying the same intellectual rigorousness, editors argue that an Israeli Education Ministry app reflects Israeli policy better than Israeli policy reflects Israeli policy.