Land Issues:
Israeli, Palestinian and Bedouin

Student Op-Ed in Carnegie Mellon Paper Gets Failing Grade

Hanadie Yousef, a student at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, published a column Oct. 17 in the school newspaper, the Tartan. The column, "Pullout from Gaza City is a Charade," repeated numerous falsehoods and canards which have earlier appeared in mainstream media outlets, some of which were subsequently corrected for the record. CAMERA awaits word as to whether the Tartan will correct as well.

Updated: The Globe and Mail’s False Witness

Carolynne Wheeler, a freelancer for the Globe and Mail, writes as if she were on the scene of  the Sharon-Abbas meeting, stating "Palestinian leaders left the meeting in Mr. Sharon's flag-draped residence in the Muslim Quarter of Jerusalem's Old City grim-faced." Only, she couldn't have been there, because the summit actually took place in the western part of the city, not the Old City. Other journalists have been fired pretending to attend events. 

USA Today Errs on Jerusalem Home Demolitions

USA Today presents a misleading, one-sided picture of home demolitions in Israel's capital in “Jerusalem's future banging on residents' doors; Several dozen Palestinian homes slated for demolition,” June 21.

BBC Correspondent Demonstrates Bias

BBC airs a weekly programme, "From Our Own Correspondent," presenting the personal perspectives of the network's news reporters on the stories they cover. What the BBC does not acknowledge is that the programme is frequently used as a platform for propaganda – a means for partisan BBC correspondents who cover world conflicts to champion the position of the side they favor.

Updated: The “Contiguity” Double Standard

After Israel approved building a new neighborhood in Ma'aleh Adumim, a few miles east of Jerusalem, many news reports wrongly indicated that such building would prevent Palestinians from controlling "contiguous territory" in the West Bank. 

Washington Post Distorts Building in Jerusalem

Washington Post correspondent John Ward Anderson has teamed up with Israel’s critics in a Post "investigation" indicting the Israeli government and Jewish groups for "consolidating their grip on strategic locations." The result is a highly distorted account of construction in Jerusalem with the broad implication that Jews have no right to move into or build in predominantly Arab neighborhoods regardless of historical and legal claims to property.

Ha’aretz Prints CAMERA Letter, But No Correction

In an important exposé that has been cited by other major media outlets, Ha'aretz Magazine wrongly reported that there is "no possibility of compensation or appeal" with respect to the 1950 Absentee Property Law. Though CAMERA provided editors with indisputable data disproving the claim, the paper refused to correct. Instead, Ha'aretz Magazine ran the following letter from CAMERA in the Jan. 28 edition:

The Washington Post: A Language of Its Own

Erroneous word choice seriously undermines “Report: Israel Spent Illegally On Settlements,” by Washington Post correspondent John Ward Anderson, in the May 6, 2004 edition.