Boston Globe Column: Death and Destruction Are Hezbollah’s Goals

Sometimes basic facts get blurred in a fierce, image-filled conflict such as the one spawned by Hezbollah's July 12 cross-border attack in which Israeli soldiers were killed and others kidnapped while a rain of rockets descended on homes and fields. What does Hezbollah, with some 10,000 katyushas and other long-range missiles, really want?

Headline Twists Richard Cohen’s (and Mel Gibson’s) Words

The Society of Professional Journalists Code of Ethics insists that a newspaper must "make certain that headlines ... do not misrepresent. They should not oversimplify or highlight incidents out of context." Misrepresent, however, is precisely what a headline assigned by the Patriot Ledger to an Aug. 3 column by Richard Cohen does.

CNN Anchor Charges Israel Intentionally Allowing Hezbollah Rockets to Hit

In the course of a hostile interview on July 30 with Israeli spokesperson Miri Eisen, CNN International anchor Rosemary Church actually charged that Israel could shoot down the Hezbollah Katyusha rockets that have rained down on the country, but has chosen not to try. A country that would do such a monstrous thing is capable of anything, which is apparently what Ms. Church believes.

Updated: Scant Media Interest As Israel’s Forests Burn

Tens of thousands of dunams in nature reserves and forests in northern Israel are literally going up in smoke, but few news stories have reported the magnitude of environmental damage. Occasional references to "brush fires" being ignited by Hezbollah's falling rockets landing in "open areas" or "uninhabited countryside" hardly convey the grave impact on Israel's forests and wildlife.

United Church of Christ Leaders Condemn Hezbollah But Still Miss the Point

A recent statement signed by two leaders of the United Church of Christ, including Rev. John Thomas, the denomination's president and general minister, called on Hezbollah to release Israeli captives and end "provocative attacks and hatred against Israel." This represents an improvement over previous statements, but problems remain with the denomination's public stance about the Arab-Israeli conflict.

Anders Strindberg Turns Truth on its Head in Christian Science Monitor

In an Op-Ed that was published in the Christian Science Monitor on August 1, 2006, Anders Strindberg turns truth on its head by blaming Israel for the current situation while exonerating Hizballah and Hamas, groups designated as terrorist organizations by the U.S., Canada, the U.K. and Israel. He echoes the terrorists' propaganda both in his underlying premise that Israel's very existence is invalid and in his unsubstantiated allegations and misrepresentations against the Jewish State.

AP Ignores Displaced Israelis

Since Hezbollah first attacked Israeli towns and troops on July 12, hundreds of thousands of Israeli and Lebanese civilians have fled their homes. While the Associated Press reports in story after story about Lebanese displaced, the wire service has had little to say about Israeli displaced.

A Personal Perspective on the Israel/Hezbollah War

The following is a response by an Israeli citizen to an article that was published last Wednesday in the Israeli daily Ma'ariv. The Ma'ariv article by an anonymous Lebanese writer described her perspective on the war.