CBS Falsely Reports U.S. Warned Israel Not To Attack Rafah

CBS's Deborah Patta falsely reported that Netanyahu "stubbornly refuses to listen" to his American interlocutors. But the Israeli Prime Minister's order to devise an evacuation plan for Rafah's civilians means that he listened very attentively. The U.S. exhorted Israel to prepare a solid plan to protect Rafah's civilians before carrying out a military operation. The Biden administration did not tell Israel not to attack Rafah.

The State of Palestinians: AP Errs on Oslo Accords, Strips Palestinians Of Agency

AP's Julia Frankel falsely reports that under the intermin peace deals, "the self-rule government was meant to expand and eventually run a future Palestinian state." In Frankel's telling, the still stateless Palestinians have no responsibility for their current state of affairs, including West Bank economic hardship born of Hamas' Oct. 7 atrocities.

CAMERA Op-Ed: UNRWA’s Problematic History

On October 7, UN employees helped perpetrate the largest massacre of Jewish civilians since the Holocaust. But as CAMERA tells the Washington Times this revelation is as unsurprising as it is infuriating. UNRWA is part of the problem, not the solution.

CAMERA Op-Ed: Does UNRWA Deserve a Role in Rebuilding Gaza?

Employees of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency took part in the October 7 massacre. This revelation came the day after the U.S. State Department suggested that UNRWA should play a role in rebuilding Gaza. But as CAMERA tells the Washington Examiner UNRWA should be persona non grata.

AFP Corrects On 1948 Palestinian Refugees

CAMERA prompts correction of an English-language AFP article which erroneously reported that all of the Palestinian refugees from 1948 were forcibly displaced from their homes. In fact, the vast majority fled, often at the urging of their own leaders.

The Hill Declining: Rising’s Jessica Burbank & The Peace-Loving Houthis

According to Jessica Burbank, the Houthis are peace activists targeting ships bringing weapons to Israel, some 23 percent of Gaza's young women have been sexually assaulted by IDF soldiers, Hamas doesn't operate in the West Bank and US intelligence agencies are wrong about Hamas' command center in Shifa hospital.