Israel's cabinet and Knesset have voted to support recent peace agreements with the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain. Only one political party opposed accepting the Accords: the Joint List. And the media, despite having lavished recent attention on the Joint List, has declined to report the party's opposition to the peace deals.
The Washington Post's arguments against the recent peace deals between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, known as the Abraham Accords, are nonsensical at best. The Post's opinion section turns logic on its head for partisan purposes.
In a Vox explainer which begs explaining, Brent Sasley twists himself into a pickle over "creeping annexation" versus "substantive change." Interviewer Jen Kirby stumbles on the "return" of West Bank land to Palestinians and the duo erase Palestinian Authority control in the West Bank Areas A and B.
A June 28, 2020 news report by the North Jersey Record was littered with distortions and omissions. CAMERA took to the paper's pages to note that Palestinians have a long and documented history of rejecting offers for a sovereign Palestinian Arab state if it requires living in peace next to a Jewish one.
An NJ Record news report reads more like a press release from American Muslims for Palestine (AMP), an anti-Israel group. The Record distorts facts, omits relevant history, and uncritically quotes organizations whose members have repeated antisemitic statements.
The Palestinian Authority is likely covering up evidence of its complicity in supporting terrorist attacks against Israelis. Yet, many major U.S. media outlets are ignoring the PA's suspicious decision to shred papers—and the history that suggests what the Authority is up to, and why.
In a nearly 1,000-word op-ed railing against 'annexation,' the Washington Post's Ishaan Tharoor omits key facts and history about Israel, international law and the so-called 'peace process.'
NPR's Daniel Estrin falsely casts Palestinians as having turned every stone in a fruitless effort to establish a state while Israel has been the intransigent party, allegedly refusing to negotiate.
A recent Foreign Affairs op-ed by a longtime U.S. diplomat and peace negotiator preemptively grants Palestinian claims to the West Bank (Judea and Samaria).