Furthermore, an examination of the online version of Moran’s Op-Ed (screed) reveals that nearly all his background information (eight out of a total of ten Web links) comes from Wikipedia which is a notoriously unreliable source.
• Concerning Hebron, Moran writes, “Hebron … right-wing Jewish settlers … exasperated Palestinians want to throw them out… pure military domination, the powerful ruling the weak… Baruch Goldstein, the U.S.-born settler who massacred 29 Muslim worshipers in Hebron [1994] … There is plenty here on both sides to turn your stomach…Bigelman pointed to a spot nearby where an Israeli infant in her stroller was shot in the head in 2001 by a Palestinian sniper using a telescopic sight…It is sacred land to Muslims and Jews …”
Relevant historical information is lacking in the travel diary. Hebron, like all of the West Bank (Judea and Samaria) was part of ancient Israel and of Mandatory Palestine (created by the League of Nations) intended to be the Jewish homeland. Moran fails to mention the 1929 Hebron massacre in which an Arab mob slaughtered 67 Jews, some of whom were tortured and mutilated before being murdered. The ethnic cleansing of the entire Jewish community followed. Today’s West Bank Arabs are continuously incited to violence against Jews in Palestinian media, mosques and schools – hence the need for Israeli security measures. Moran fails to point out that while the Goldstein act was widely condemned by Israeli officials and society, Palestinian Arab officials and society generally fail to condemn murders committed by Arabs against Israelis. In fact, the perpetrators are often treated as heroes, with financial rewards going to their families and streets and town squares named after them.
• Moran negatively portrays West Bank Jews (“The settlers are more militant than most Israelis, many driven by religious zeal that brooks no political compromise”) and Prime Minister Netanyahu (“His determination to steadily expand the Jewish population in the West Bank snuffs out any chance for a peaceful solution to this crisis”). But he fails to mention the obstacles to peace presented by Palestinian incitement (examples here and here) to violence against Jews orchestrated by the Palestinian leadership. Meanwhile, the only Palestinians negatively portrayed are unamed individuals (e.g. “A Palestinian man … stabbed a 13-year-old Jewish girl as she slept in her bed,” “Palestinian terrorist …,” Palestinian gunman …”). Moran omits the fact that the Palestinian people are brainwashed by a steady stream of antisemitic, anti-Israel incitement from their media, mosques and schools in violation of Article 26 (2) of the U.N. Universal Declaration of Human Rights, as well as in violation of Israeli-Palestinian agreements. Does this indoctrination affect peace efforts? According to the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research (PSR) (of Ramallah, Palestinian territories), “Findings of the first quarter of 2016 … A majority in both the West Bank and the Gaza Strip continues to support an armed intifada [terrorism against Israel] …”
disparages Israel by portraying the Jewish state as an occupier while omitting essential context. Indeed, variations of the word “occupation” are mentioned no less than eight times. However, the West Bank is not sovereign territory of any country. Jordan had occupied it between 1948 and 1967, in a move not recognized by the international community, and both Israel and the Palestinian Authority currently lay claim to the territory. In 1967 Israel took control as a result of its successful self-defense in the Six-Day War. In 1995, Israeli troops withdrew from the majority of Palestinian population centers in the West Bank after Israel and the Palestinian Authority signed an interim agreement on Sept. 28, 1995. So the military presence lasted 28 years. This period included the first intifada’s (1987 to 1992) attacks on Israelis. But with the resumption of Palestinian violence against Israelis during the second intifada (2000 to 2005), Israeli troops in 2005 re-established a major presence in the West Bank. Israel remains the legal, obligatory military occupational authority pending conclusion of a negotiated agreement on the territories’ final status. In any case, the Palestinian Authority has jurisdiction over the daily lives of almost all West Bank Arabs. Thus, it’s erroneous to characterize the situation as “pure military dominion, the powerful ruling the weak.”
Meanwhile, the Arab world continues to refuse to accept Israel as a Jewish state (evidently 22 Arab Muslim states is fine but one Jewish state is one too many) and continues to insist on the right of return of Palestinian Arabs and their descendants to Israel which would result in engulfing the state. The result would be the replacement of Israel by a 23rd Arab Muslim state. The basic narrative underlying the Arab “right of return” to Israel is the so-called “nakba” (Arabic for “catastrophe”) myth, which falsely claims that Palestinian Arabs in the wake of Israel’s War of Independence in 1948 suffered a forced exodus at the hands of Israeli Jews comparable to the Holocaust suffered by European Jews at the hands of the Nazis and their sympathizers. According to authoritative sources, the overwhelming majority of Arab refugees from what became the Jewish state were not expelled by Israelis. But, ironically, at that time a much larger number of refugees, Jews who had resided in Arab countries for many generations, were forced to flee their native lands.
• Moran maligns Israel for its security barrier, claiming “The next day, we got on a bus for our trip to Hebron, passing through the famous security wall that cordons off the occupied territories. The wall is enormous, more than twice the height of the Berlin Wall, and topped with barbed wire. Its route was drawn with the arrogance of a superior military power, in many places dipping into Palestinian territory and separating Arabs from their crops and relatives.” The author grudgingly admits, “But it has dramatically reduced the number of attacks. And after our close calls, I felt unexpected sympathy for those who built it.”