A Little Piece of Ground By Elizabeth Laird
Haymarket Press, 2016
A story of the Second Intifada that demonizes and dehumanizes Israelis has no place in education. Yet that is exactly what Elizabeth Laird’s A Little Piece of Ground, now required reading in Newark public schools, does.
A Promised Land By Barack Obama
Crown Publishing, 2020 The first volume of the 44th American president's memoirs are filled with errors and omissions about Israel. And, as CAMERA's book review shows, they are all one-sided. Worse still, Obama even minimizes Palestinian terrorism.
A State At Any Cost: The Life of Ben Gurion By Tom Segev
Macmillan, 2019 Tom Segev's recent biography of Israeli premier David Ben-Gurion is well-written, but deeply flawed. Instead of letting the facts dictate the narrative, the revisionist historian does the precise opposite.
Arab Voices: What They Are Saying to Us, and Why it Matters By James Zogby
Palgrave Macmillan, 2010 Arab Voices, ignores those that urge Jihad and neglects what some Arabs say in Arabic about non-Arabs.
Arafat's War: The Man and His Battle for Israeli Conquest By Efraim Karsh
Grove Press, 2003 A riveting and invaluable new book that offers the first comprehensive account of Palestinian policy through the Oslo years.
Can The Whole World Be Wrong?: Lethal Journalism, Antisemitism and Global Jihad By Richard Landes
Academic Studies Press, 2022
A new book explores how and why advocacy journalism replaced empirically-based reporting as the dominant media template in covering the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Code Name: Butterfly By Ahlam Bsharat; Nancy Roberts (translator)
Neem Tree Press, 2016
The Palestinian education system is notorious for labeling terrorists as martyrs, inverting reality and upending morality. Children’s books that do the same don’t belong in the hands of young readers.
Determined to Stay: Palestinian Youth Fight for Their Village By Jody Sokolower
Northampton, MA: Olive Branch Press (an imprint of Interlink Publishing), 2021 Israel’s enemies are finding ways to infiltrate curriculum, using fashionable buzzwords like “intersectionality” to camouflage hatred of Israel. Sokolower’s book exemplifies this deceptive practice.
How Israel Lost: The Four Questions By Richard Ben Cramer
Simon & Schuster, 2004Richard Ben Cramer's latest book disappoints on all counts. Far from changing the boundaries of discussion, it contains neither an original thesis nor trenchant argument. Instead, the complexities of the Israeli-Palestinian situation are reduced to the hackneyed superficialities of Israel's detractors.
Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid By Jimmy Carter
Simon & Schuster, 2006
Jimmy Carter claims that "everything" in his new book is "completely accurate," and maintains (incorrectly) that the book's critics deal in straw-man accusations and ad hominem attacks. But many, if not most, of the facts on which his book's premise rests are demonstrably false.
Print to Fit: The New York Times, Zionism and Israel 1896-2016 By Jerold S. Auerbach
Academic Studies Press, 2019 Print to Fit is a must-read for anyone who wants to truly understand the anatomy of biased journalism at one of the foremost media outlets – the so-called “newspaper of record.”
Spies of No Country: Secret Lives at the Birth of Israel By Matti Friedman
Algonquin Books, 2019 Friedman details the complex lives of Jews born in Arab lands who worked as spies for the fledgling Jewish state.
The Invention of the Jewish People By Shlomo Sand, Translated by Yael Lotan
Verso, London New York, 2009
When it comes to undermining the legitimacy of the Jewish state, there is no thesis too absurd to be published. "The Invention of the Jewish People" by Shlomo Sand who teaches French history at Tel Aviv University is one example.
The Israel-Palestine Conflict: One Hundred Years of War By James L. Gelvin
Cambridge University Press, 2007
Educators teaching students about Islam, the Middle East and the Arab-Israeli conflict often turn for help to academics who promote an anti-Israel agenda that misinforms students.
The Mufti of Jerusalem: Haj-Amin el-Husseini and National-Socialism By Jennie Lebel
Cigoya Stampa, 2007A new book by Serbian-Israeli author Jennie Lebel contains revelations about the service Haj Amin el-Husseini provided his Nazi paymasters and the promises he received in return.
The Story of the World: Volumes 1 and 4 By Susan Wise Bauer
Well-Trained Mind Press, 2006 and 2021 Volumes 1 and 4 of Susan Wise Bauer's The Story of the World include erroneous claims about Jewish inhabitation, the drawing of inappropriate analogies that obscure historical data, and omissions of crucial information surrounding Israel’s establishment.
The Trouble With Textbooks: Distorting History And Religion By Gary A. Tobin and Dennis R. Ybarra
Lexington Books, Maryland, 2008 The book exposes historical, religious and social misrepresentations of propagandistic proportions by the K–12 school textbook publishing industry in the United States. It is essential reading for educators, students and parents alike.
To Whom Was The Promised Land Promised? By Abraham A. Sion
Mazo Publishers, 2020
The book is also an important read for anyone truly interested in understanding the conflict, including how the commitment to create a Jewish state came about, how the anticipated borders of such a prospective state evolved over the years, and what the respective rights were for Mandate Palestine’s Jews and Arabs under international law.
Wishing Upon the Same Stars By Jacquetta Nammar Feldman
New York: HarperCollins, 2022.
Children’s books aiming at even-handedness on the Arab-Israeli conflict usually fail – as novels, because they’re didactic, and as political tracts, because they’re inaccurate. The books that do succeed are most often by Israelis, who write what they live and have no illusions.
Woke Antisemitism: How a Progressive Ideology Harms Jews By David L.. Bernstein
Wicked Son, 2022 Woke Antisemitism is a firsthand account from a top Jewish leader about how woke ideology shuts down discourse, corrupts Jewish values, and spawns a virulent new strain of antisemitism.